Monday, December 13, 2010

And it's just the beginning...


According to the funny-sounding ultra effeminate voice crooning through the two-seconds-away-from-being-blown speakers in the airport... Our flight isn't seeing any altitude -- at least not on this early morning. I'm sitting on a bench near baggage claim next to an older woman from the islands, judging by her incessant and healthy accent. I wish I was in Nashville. I want to see the flurries and discolored ice blanketing the floor. Suddenly, and it could be a by-product of my less-than-ideal attitude, this airport doesn't look too atractive anymore. I had so many mini-fantasies of being that help, that guy that showed up with his fellow students to make someone else's day... And now their manifestation has been delayed. It sucks, but supposedly we're going to try again tomorrow...

It's only a day away, right?! :-/

--Stephen Roberts