In a matter of five days I’ve made memories and friendships that I will always keep dear to my heart.
Now that I am back in familiar surroundings I feel kind of lost and sad. Then I think "Wait, isn’t this the season to be jolly?" Yet somehow this happiness eludes me. I feel as if five days isn’t enough. I wish I could have stayed in Nashville till Dixie and Jim’s home was complete. But I wouldn’t be satisfied with that because I would be ready for the next house, then the next.
I’m saddened because the people who I have known the longest barely know me at all compared to the people who have known me for a few months or even a few days. I’m sad because some people will not be able to experience the joy I felt giving someone new hope, letting them know this too shall pass.
One thing I never take for granted are the friendships I’ve made and new insights theses services trips have given me. If it weren’t for these trips I wouldn’t be the person I am today. If it weren’t for Heidi I wouldn’t be who I am today.
Mark Twain once said "To get the full value of joy you must have someone to divide it with." I’m blessed to say I’ve found this joy with my
-Vanissa Benjamin